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What is Systema?

CompleteStrength Systema Defence Martial Arts Northside Brisbane
CompleteStrength Systema Defence Martial Arts Northside Brisbane

Designed to be quickly learned, and easily employed, in even the most dangerous of situations, Systema is ideal for those in immediate need of a truly viable form of self defence.


Systema (The System) is a military fighting art based on the training of the Elite Russian Special Forces. It is a comprehensive system of defence and protection, which was only declassified, and made known to the public with the fall of the Soviet regime.


Throughout the cold war it grew and adapted to the varied needs of the elite Soviet Special forces (Spetsnaz), and the KGB. As a result, it is a system that goes far beyond the scope of most martial arts, making it the consummate martial art for the modern world.


The Russian fighting system makes no distinction between blocks, strikes and holds, believing that every movement is multifunctional. Techniques are based on the natural movement of the body resulting in unique, unpredictable, and highly effective moves. This fighting art uses different parts of legs, arms and body to strike, kick, slap, drill, pinch and push to disorient, shock, disarm and destroy opponents.



Systema is a type of self-defense martial art from Russia that teaches people how to use their bodies naturally to defend themselves. Unlike other martial arts, Systema does not focus on strict techniques but encourages people to use their bodies in a fluid way that can be adapted to any situation.

Systema also teaches mental and emotional preparation, so people can stay calm and make better decisions when faced with a difficult situation. This training can be helpful even in non-physical situations, like when someone is being verbally or emotionally abused.
Another benefit of Systema is that it can improve a person's health. Practicing Systema can help improve posture, flexibility, and overall physical fitness. It can also reduce stress and anxiety, which can make people feel better and more relaxed.

Systema is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels because the training can be customized to individual needs. Whether you are looking to improve your self-defense skills or simply want to improve your overall health, Systema is a martial art that can be worth exploring.
Aaron Ellis


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